Sep 18, 2023 | Advocacy, Featured, Foods, Podcasts, Research News, Technology Updates
Nemaura completes study of sugarBEAT glucose monitor posted by, 12 September 2023. Nemaura Medical has completed a 100-patient study of the non-invasive and flexible continuous glucose monitor sugarBEAT. Carried...
Sep 11, 2023 | Advocacy, Diabetes Business, Featured, Research News, Technology Updates, Videos
Medtronic sued for allegedly sharing ‘treasure trove’ of diabetes patient data with Google by Nick Paul Taylor for, 5 September 2023. The case centers on the app that accompanies Medtronic’s smart insulin pen. Medtronic created the app to help patients...
Aug 21, 2023 | Advocacy, Diabetes Business, Featured, Research News, Technology Updates, Videos
Insulet claims EOFlow copied patch-pump design in patent suit by Elise Reuter for, 15 August 2023. Insulet claims that EOFlow’s EOPatch insulin pump violates three of the patents for its Omnipod patch pump and that the product designs “are practically...
Aug 17, 2023 | Advocacy, Featured
Our DiabetesMine Innovation events connect leaders in healthcare, industry, and patient advocacy — with the shared goal of fostering innovation that improves life with diabetes. It’s always a top priority to hear directly from PWDs (people with diabetes) and active...
Aug 7, 2023 | Advocacy, Featured, Foods, Research News, Technology Updates
Tandem’s Control-IQ to Integrate Dexcom G7 and FreeStyle Libre 2 as announced in the Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc., Q2 2023 Earning Call, 3 August 2023. According to John Sheridan, CEO: “We want our customers to have the benefits of the latest CGM...
Jul 31, 2023 | Advocacy, Featured, Foods, LOOPing, Research News, Technology Updates, Videos
Continuous Ketone Monitoring – a world’s first from SiBio? by Tim Street for, 17 July 2023. SiBio describes itself as “an innovative company with medical active implant and medical artificial intelligence research and development as its core...