Nov 22, 2019 | A Little Humor, Featured, Pets
Please meet Astro and Jett, who live with and constantly amuse their humans, Karen (T1) and her husband Andrew (major T1 supporter!). Oh my, does this get any cuter???? Got to love the names, right?! Karen says, “Relaxation is sooooo crucial for us...
Nov 14, 2019 | A Little Humor, Featured
From Myabetic … This is just so much fun!!! Thanks CJ!!!...
Oct 21, 2019 | A Little Humor, Featured, Research News, Technology Updates
Glucagon: People with Type 1 Diabetes Produce MORE of This Hormone that Raises Blood Sugar was described by Ginger Vieira for, 18 October 2019. Ginger calls this: “A cruel irony of T1D: We don’t produce insulin and we overproduce glucagon,...
Oct 18, 2019 | A Little Humor, Featured, Pets
Quincy, the glucose retriever,, lives with his T1 named Katie and her husband Troy … they are very smart people … and Quincy was very smart to choose this wonderful family! This is an amazing story … will bring tears to your eyes while you are...
Oct 9, 2019 | A Little Humor, Eating, Featured, Foods
What is the difference between sea salt and table salt? was reported by Jessica Caporuscio for, 1 October 2019. Table salt and sea salt are both useful when preparing food. Manufacturers mine table salt from salt deposits and process it into...
Sep 20, 2019 | A Little Humor, Featured, Pets
Heeeeere’s Bailey! He’s an almost 3 year old (his birthday is coming up, in October, in case you want to send him a birthday card!!!) Australian Labradoodle, who lives with Shankara, a T1 and designer, originally from England. Yes, Bailey...