Sep 11, 2020 | A Little Humor, Featured, Pets
You WILL LOVE this!!! Truly a Savvy Smorgasbord of love and joy and peace, mostly! FYI, Sara is a fabulous journalist who covers T1D topics for, as well as a wide range of freelance blog and content writer and fiction novelist. ...
Sep 4, 2020 | A Little Humor, Featured, Pets, Videos
As you can probably tell, I’m learning how to use YouTube and embed videos. I’m sure I’ll improve, with your encouragement!!! Happy holidays and stay safe and love up your pets!!! (and a quick thank you for those who alerted me to...
Jul 10, 2020 | A Little Humor, Featured, Pets, Videos
This story just makes me smile. Actually, they all do but this is special to me. Meet Willow, the diabetes alert cat who lives with Mark (T1/2D and his lovely wife, Sheila). Willow can detect a fast falling low faster than my Dexcom can catch it. She also...
May 15, 2020 | A Little Humor, Featured
"Just trying to cheer up the neighbours"(therealhuskiesoflbc / IG) — Woof Woof® (@WoofWoof_TV) April 25, 2020 I’m looking for YOUR stories to share the joy in our amazing T1D community! Send me a bunch of pix and...
May 7, 2020 | A Little Humor, Featured, Pets, Recommended Books
You are in for a treat! Amanda King was diagnosed with T1 diabetes at the age of 14 (in 1993) … she remembers the date and the feelings she had of being overwhelmed and scared. “I have made it my mission, with the help from Cody, to help every...
Apr 1, 2020 | A Little Humor, Eating, Featured
The Truth About Vitamin D, Zinc, and Other Coronavirus Rumors was written by Dana G. Smith for Medium/Elemental, 26 March 2020. She discusses what might work, what probably doesn’t, and what’s flat-out wrong. There’s a lot of misinformation and half-truths...