One of the first insulin pumps!

One of the first insulin pumps!

Associated Press reporter Patrick Connolly, in 1986, adjusts the insulin pump he wears on his belt to keep his blood sugar near normal. The 1-pound pump delivers a squirt of insulin through a slim tube into a small needle under the skin of Connolly’s abdomen every few...

HOT NEWS: Vaccine on the Horizon

Making the T1D Vaccine a Reality By Emily Howell October 15, 2014  Nanoparticle-based vaccine is designed to re-educate the immune system and halt the attack on the pancreas Over the last three years, Selecta Bioscience, a clinical stage biotechnology company, has...

One of my FAVORITE Posts by Mike Hoskins of Diabetes Mine!

When Trees Have High Glucose Levels… Diabetes is everywhere. Even on my vacation to Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula. Thursday, October 9, 2014 We escaped from work and regular life here in Indiana for about 10 days recently, heading up across the...
Please TURN the THING OFF!

Please TURN the THING OFF!

Yes, that’s what the man 2 seats away said to me tonight at the movies during previews! My insulin pump had just started to alarm. So I took it out of my pocket and saw that it was a site change reminder. I was just turning off the reminder when he chastised me! I was...
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