May 21, 2016 | A Little Humor
The topic is Tips and Tricks, everything from how I organize for travel to how I keep track of medications to what I do that is “unconventional.” I SMILE. A lot. And often. As often as possible, I LAUGH or GIGGLE. This is NOT a cop-out. I really SMILE or LAUGH or...
May 3, 2016 | Technology Updates
from by Adam Brown, Ava Runge and Nicole Kofman, 4/8/2016 This is a great snapshot of all the organizations working on automated insulin delivery products, including their plans for pivotal studies and plans for an FDA submission. Assumption: a 12 month...
May 3, 2016 | Research News
♦ Study produces fully functional beta cells from artificial embryonic stem cells, according to a report in the San Diego Union-Tribune by Bradley Fikes, 4/15/2016 (and also sent to me by 3 different friends living in San Diego!). Salk Institute scientists say...