Jun 22, 2013 | Technology Updates
Kelly Close, editor-in-chief of diatribe, writes, in the June issue of diatribe about her experiences on a 5-day trial on the bionic pancreas: I’m now exactly eleven days out of the five-day Boston University/Massachusetts General Hospital bionic pancreas1...
Jun 21, 2013 | Featured, Recommended Books
Cheating Destiny: Living with Diabetes by James S. Hirsch In Cheating Destiny, the best-selling author James S. Hirsch offers an incisive, sometimes surprising portrait of diabetes in America. Hirsch is intimately familiar with the disease: he has lived with type 1...
Jun 18, 2013 | Featured, Research News
Boston Children’s Hospital Finds Root Cause of Diabetes They say that with just a little more study, they could possibly cure type 1 diabetes. By Melissa Malamut | Hub Health | June 13, 2013 4:31 pm Boston Children’s Hospital could be on the verge of curing type 1...
Jun 13, 2013 | Featured, Recommended Books
SHOT: Staying Alive with Diabetes, by Amy F. Ryan, is an intimate portrait of a young woman’s sudden transition to type 1 diabetes and a life of insulin dependence. Treatment for a routine infection one Monday morning yielded, with stunning speed, to a glucose...
May 8, 2013 | Technology Updates
Tuesday, April 23, 2013, 8:22:13 AM | Riva Greenberg I considered titling this “Anna Floreen Was Diabetes-Free for 5 Days,” because she was and now she’s not. And I’m curious what that transition has been like — picking up your...
Apr 4, 2013 | Research News
A ground-breaking article from The Netherlands shows that lack of exercise is probably the most common cause of cell damage in diabetics today (Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. April, 2013). A high rise in blood sugar after meals, is a major cause of the...