Feb 12, 2020 | Eating, Featured, Foods
Changing counts reveal inexact science of calorie labels by Candice Choi for APNews.com, 8 February 2020. Almonds used to have about 170 calories per serving. Then researchers said it was really more like 130. A little later, they said the nuts may have even...
Feb 7, 2020 | Featured, Pets
Hi! My name is Kona. Mom Rose, a T1D, and Dad Paul, a T2D, love me SO SO SO MUCH and I love them SO MUCH SO too! I’m a mini Goldendoodle and weigh about 25 pounds. I turned one on Thanksgiving Day, 2019 and my humans are very thankful for me…most of...
Feb 3, 2020 | Featured, Research News, Technology Updates
Artificial pancreas uses refillable oxygen tank to better-produce insulin was reported by Ben Coxworth for NewAtlas.com, 28 January 2020. Developed by Israeli-based Beta-O2 Technologies, the titanium-bodied device is known as the Bio-artificial Pancreas, or the...