Apr 13, 2020 | Featured, Research News, Technology Updates
Eli Lilly lowers insulin costs as coronavirus crisis deepens, as reported by Reuters on CNBC.com, 7 April 2020. Drugmaker Eli Lilly said on Tuesday it has capped the out-of-pocket cost for insulin to $35 per month to help diabetes patients across the United...
Apr 6, 2020 | Featured, Research News, Technology Updates
Insulet’s Omnipod to Join Hybrid Closed Loop Pump Market was reported by Sara Seitz for InsulinNation.com, 31 March 2020. Insulet is joining forces with Dexcom to bring its automated insulin delivery system to Omnipod users in the US At the time of market...
Apr 3, 2020 | Featured, Pets, Research News
Lots of purring and orange and white … pure joy and love … enjoy Orion, Marty and Channing! My name is Gillian, and at the beginning of March 2020, I marked 30 years with type 1 diabetes. These are my guys: Orion, Marty and Channing (you may notice...