Sep 13, 2021 | Featured, Research News, Technology Updates, Videos
PARTICIPANTS NEEDED FOR RESEARCH SURVEY from the University of Utah College of Nursing T1Ds over 60 years of age or older who use Dexcom CGM (any version) who use or have used the Dexcom Follow app I’ve lived with T1D for over 56 years and am are...
Sep 3, 2021 | Featured, Research News, Videos
Let’s go off-topic and learn about “new” science/technology … and think about how we might see these developments in our diabetes world. What do you think? The inside of these bottles is so slippery, you can get all the lotion out was...
Sep 1, 2021 | Featured, Podcasts, Technology Updates
We’ve all been waiting for the new batch of hybrid closed-loop insulin delivery systems to be approved and released to the marketplace. The Covid-19 pandemic delayed so many trials and studies and slowed down the processes in the FDA, as folks working in...
Aug 30, 2021 | Featured, Research News, Technology Updates
Scientists discover way to make pig organs compatible to humans was reported by Abigail Klein Leichman for, 23 August 2021. Surgeons would be able to order hybrid organs – a pig organ with a human lining of blood vessels – that could help...
Aug 25, 2021 | Eating, Featured, Foods, Research News
So much research on the gut … lots to learn and some can be a bit technical. So let’s dive in: This Is Your Gut on Sugar was written by Markham Heid for, 19 August 2021. Researchers are finally uncovering the exact...