Timing of Exercise and Meals

Timing of Exercise and Meals

June 22, 2013 by Gabe Mirkin, MD In North America, more than 35 percent of the population becomes diabetic, and most cases of diabetes could be prevented with exercise. A high rise in blood sugar levels causes sugar to stick on the surface of cells. Once there, the...
You Should Exercise Every Day?!

You Should Exercise Every Day?!

June 20, 2013 by Gabe Mirkin, MD Men who exercised regularly stopped exercising for just one week. Both those who were lean and those who were overweight had rises in blood factors that are abnormal in diabetics (Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental, September 20,...
All about Exercise and Blood Sugar

All about Exercise and Blood Sugar

    How Long Does Exercise Affect Blood Sugar Levels? Exercising in the morning before breakfast helps to prevent a high rise in blood sugar in diabetics only after breakfast and lunch. It does not prevent the high rise in blood sugar that follows the evening dinner...
Passive Artificial Pancreas Nearing Trials

Passive Artificial Pancreas Nearing Trials

Medical Technology News From Around The World Medgadget is an independent journal of the latest medical gadgets, technologies and discoveries. We report daily on the latest medical technology news, interview leaders in the field, and file reports from medical events...
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