Wine … good for diabetes?!

Wine … good for diabetes?!

According to a New York Times article this week, a study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, people with Type 2 diabetes may benefit from a daily glass of wine, a study says. Israeli researchers randomly assigned 224 patients, all alcohol abstainers with...
Downloading: I don’t always … do you?

Downloading: I don’t always … do you?

Yes, it’s true.  I don’t download data from my CGM, pump and meter.  And yet, I always include the ability to download my data as one of the important features I want in my devices.  So, what’s that all about? According to a survey, presented to a joint meeting of the...
It’s ALL about Google!

It’s ALL about Google!

… and Dexcom … a powerful partnership. Dexcom announced an agreement with the life sciences team at Google to jointly develop a series of next-gen CGM products that will be designed to be smaller and less expensive than the current Dexcom CGM.  They are looking to...
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