Diabetes Blog Week (My Tip): SMILE~ LAUGH~ GIGGLE
The topic is Tips and Tricks, everything from how I organize for travel to how I keep track of medications to what I do that is “unconventional.” I SMILE. A lot. And often. As often as possible, I LAUGH or GIGGLE. This is NOT a cop-out. I really SMILE or LAUGH or...
Diabetes Blog Week: My Healthcare FANTASY Wish List
This topic is just so HUGE and so charged with emotion and frustration. Of course, if I could wave my magic wand, I’d say: Make all my medical problems (including needing to wear eyeglasses) away so that I never need doctors, hospitals, insurance or drugs. There, I...
DBlogWeek: PwD or Diabetic … OR T1Diabetic?
I’ll put it out there up front: I really just don’t care. I am not offended or feel labeled by being called a “diabetic.” PWD is a short-hand way but most people not as involved in the DOC don’t know what that means. And so have to say “person with diabetes” just...