Savvy Updates 3.5.2017: Fasting, Finns, Funding

Savvy Updates 3.5.2017: Fasting, Finns, Funding

As always, lots happening in the diabetes world of technology, research and more! Fasting Diet Regenerates Beta Cells in Mice was featured on, 24 February 2017.  The subtitle: The cyclical diet also restored insulin sensitivity. Researchers from...
Medicare CGM Saga Continued

Medicare CGM Saga Continued

I am not trying to stir the pot of frustration about Medicare and Dexcom … but here goes. As I mentioned, Dexcom absolutely CANNOT sell me any product, for cash, because my file shows that I am covered by Medicare.  Even if I just want to BUY a transmitter...
Savvy about Chia Seeds:  Who Knew!?

Savvy about Chia Seeds: Who Knew!?

I’ve just discovered chia seeds … and indeed, chia seed pudding!  Oh yum, oh easy to make, oh high protein, oh low carb, oh high fiber! I read Adam Brown’s Adam’s Corner on diaTribe, about eating a well-managed breakfast (A Home Run...
More Medicare Dexcom Purchase Madness!

More Medicare Dexcom Purchase Madness!

As a follow up on my last post, it only gets worse! Dexcom CAN NOT now sell me, via a cash purchase, the G5 transmitter, just because I have Medicare as my insurance!  I am forced to buy from Liberty Medical Supplies.  Dexcom cash price: $599 Liberty cash...
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