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Savvy DBlog Week 2017: D Also Stands for DOG!

Savvy DBlog Week 2017: D Also Stands for DOG! Today is the final day of’s Diabetes Blog Week 2017.  The topic is: More Than Diabetes, about me, with or without a relationship to diabetes.  Easy peazy!       D Also Stands for DOG!  INDEED! I seem to...

Savvy DBlog Week: What Makes Me Crazy Mad

Savvy DBlog Week: What Makes Me Crazy Mad Today is the 4th day of Diabetes Blog Week 2017 … and the topic is What Brings Me Down.  Easy, huh?!?  Well, I’ve taken it a step further.              WHAT MAKES ME CRAZY MAD?!@*^! I thought long and hard about...

Savvy D-Blog Week 2017: It’s ONLY Money!

Savvy DBlog Week: What Makes Me Crazy Mad Today’s blog topic is: The Cost of a Chronic Illness.  Woooo, there’s a lot of room for writing here, including insurance, Medicare, coverage, cost of our care, accessibility and much, much more!  I’m talking today about the cost of being...