Jerry Lewis, American comedian, actor, singer, producer, director, screenwriter, and humanitarian, known for his slapstick humor in film, television, stage and radio, passed away at the age of 91 on 20 August 20, 2017. His career spanned over 70 years and...
Jessica Ching, a long-time T1 and a whiz at all new D technology offered our adult T1 community as well as her Berkeley (CA) adult T1 group to participate in The Afrezza Challenge. Sounded like fun and we could eat, indeed we were encouraged to eat a high carb...
Hello all you Savvy Diabetics. My name is Priscilla Faubel, another long-time T1d. This is my first ever Blog. But if you spend any time with Joanne Milo you find yourself participating in a lot of firsts. Joanne asked me to tell you a little about the...
What’s in the news?! Immunotherapy succeeds in thwarting Type-1 diabetes in study, as reported in the Los Angeles Times Science, 9 August 2017 about a study published in the journal, Science Translational Medicine. In a small but rigorous clinical...