From JDRF: Type 1 Diabetes Health Insurance Guide
This is just informational … no advocacy or politics … just information, FYI. When you have health needs due to a chronic condition like type 1 diabetes (T1D), having health insurance is critical in helping you manage and treat your condition. This toolkit...
Savvy Updates, 16 December 2017: Dexcom Submits G6, Melt Fat Cells, Semma Tech, Stem Cells for Foot Ulcers, New Blood Glucose Device without Pricks, Lilly Pump, Vaping Insulin?
7 Diabetes Technology Updates for 2018 was published on ASweetLife by Christopher Snider of Tidepool, 8 December 2017. Here’s a glimpse at some of the companies and movements that I am going to pay close attention to next year as diabetes technology looks to take...
More Savvy about the Gut and Being Vegan
It’s been almost 4 months since I’ve decided to eat a more plant-based, vegan (mostly) lifestyle … and so far, so good! I’ve lost about 3 pounds (my husband who I’d describe as “vegan-ish”, has lost over 15...