Gastric and Digestive STUFF make up some of the most unpleasant complications of T1D and no one really mentions them, no less wants to talk about them. And they absolutely impact how we T1Ds absorb food and how we need to adapt our bolus strategies, as well as how we feel and function throughout the day and how we cope.
Though gastrointestinal (GI) complications are common in longstanding diabetes, changes in the gut begin as early as 6 months after diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes, even in young children. And the awareness of these complications is low among physicians. Early identification and appropriate management of GI complications are important for improving both diabetic management and quality of life.

Dr. Linda Nguyen is Clinical Professor, Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology at Stanford University, with special interests: Gastroparesis, Chronic Nausea, Cyclic Vomiting, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Autonomic dysfunction, and Brain-gut disorders.
She has said, “Food has always been a big part of my life. Imagine what life would be like if eating made you sick? Because we need food to survive and we are social creatures who revolve much of our lives around food, not being able to eat impacts physical, mental and social well-being. It is this intricate interconnection between the brain and the gut which drew me to the field of Neurogastroenterology & Motility. My research includes understanding the role/impact of physiologic testing on clinical care, exploring novel therapies for gastroparesis, and expanding the role of neuromodulation in the treatment of GI motility disorders and pain.”
What’s so special about this area of research?
There is growing evidence that there is a strong relationship between Type 1 diabetes and the gut microbiome. In fact, the gut microbiome might be a pivotal hub of T1D‐triggering factors. Interesting, huh?

This was a very special, informative, and caring event, packed with important and useful information. Please feel free to share this recording with others, and particularly with your medical/healthcare professionals. The Stanford University protocol for treating patients with GI includes the following HCPs: Primary Care, Endocrinologist, CDE, Dietitician, Psychologist and others.
I’m sure this video may bring up LOTS of questions! Be sure to ask in Comments below or on the YouTube Comments section … I’ll forward the questions to Dr. Basina and Dr. Nguyen.
If you’d like to see some of the questions brought up in the Chat during the live event:
Here are some interesting links, shared by Anne Burkley, a member of the Loop and Learn FB Group, about the microbiome triggering T1D, as well as a study about probiotics. I can’t comment on these other than to share information.
Cool Beans !!!
And yes, maybe beans could cause a problem? Unless, of course, they are “cool?”