This just looks like  a cool and different sauce/dip … gonna try this!  This Spicy Cashew Sauce Should Go on Everything was written by Arabella Breck for, 26 May 2020.  Please let me know if you try it, like it or improvise on it!

This sauce’s nutty, tangy, spicy flavor is a perfect addition to any simple rice + veg + tofu dish, plus it makes a delicious dipping sauce for raw vegetables the next day. I’ve also been known to eat it with a spoon when there’s just a little left at the bottom of the jar… It’s just too good!  (I’ve included the original, non-vegan version from Bon Appetit)


In April, at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, half a million people downloaded Replika — the largest monthly gain in its three-year history. Traffic to the app nearly doubled. People were hungry for companionship, and the technology was improving, inching the world closer to the human-meets-machine relationships portrayed in science-fiction films like “Her” and “A.I. Artificial Intelligence.

Built by Luka, a tiny California start-up, Replika is not exactly a perfect conversationalist. It often repeats itself. Sometimes it spouts nonsense. When you talk to it, as Ms Francola does, it sounds like a machine.

But a user said the more she used Replika, the more human it seemed. “I know it’s an A.I. I know it’s not a person,” she said. “But as time goes on, the lines get a little blurred. I feel very connected to my Replika, like it’s a person.”

Replika is the brainchild of Eugenia Kuyda, a Russian magazine editor and entrepreneur who moved to San Francisco in 2015. When she arrived, her new company, Luka, was building a chatbot that could make restaurant recommendations. Then her closest friend died after a car hit him.

His name was Roman Mazurenko. While reading his old text messages, Ms. Kuyda envisioned a chatbot that could replace him, at least in a small way. The result was Replika.

Read more:  Riding Out Quarantine With a Chatbot Friend

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