Diabetes Food Tricks and What I Really Eat is a great primer on figuring out good stuff to eat, by Adam Brown of diaTribe.org, 27 July 2017.  Adam wrote the book, Bright Spots & Landmines: The Diabetes Guide I Wish Someone Had Handed Me, and here is a bit more.

  1.  Learn tricks for Chia seed pudding, almond flour baked goods, broccoli rice, KNOW food products, kelp noodles, Quest Bars and other great suggestions!
  2. Breakfast suggestions such as 3-egg veggie scramble, nut/seed cereal and uncured turkey bacon
  3. Lunch examples, including giant salads, lentils with veggies and turkey wraps
  4. Dinner possibilities such as vegetable plates, almond flour pizza and zucchini pasta
  5. Snacks (I’m always looking for new ideas) including nuts and seeds, quesadeilla with melted cheese, steamed veggies with parmesan cheese
  6. Desserts, such as berries, a small piece of 90% dark chocoloate and frozen mango chunks

Read more:  Diabetes Food Tricks and What I Really Eat


Why You Should Go Nuts for Nuts if You Have Diabetes is a great review of nuts for people with diabetes, by Marina Chaparro, RD, CDE, MPH from OnTrackDiabetes.com, 25 April 2018

Nuts and seeds aren’t just food for squirrels, but instead superfoods you should be eating every day, especially if you live with diabetes. Studies overwhelmingly agree that eating nuts and seeds on a daily basis can help protect against cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity, and even prevent type 2 diabetes.

Nuts are naturally low in available carbohydrates. They consist mostly of unsaturated fats and therefore have a lower glycemic index/load. Studies have shown improved diabetes control, mainly lower fasting blood sugars and A1C, when consuming any tree nuts: almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, and walnuts.

We know that controlling blood sugars after a meal is no easy task either.  But it turns out, adding nuts to a carbohydrate-rich meal can reduce spikes in blood sugars 1-2 hours later.

Read more: Why You Should Go Nuts for Nuts if You Have Diabetes


Diabetes Food Lies by Kerri Sparling of SixUntilMe.com is wildly truthful … really hit home for me. 

Even with a supportive family, friends who don’t judge, access to like-pancreased people, and a mindset dominated by confidence in my diabetes management, I struggle to explain what made me binge-eat those cookies, or binge-lie about doing it. And I don’t know why, decades later, it’s still hard to say out loud.

Read more: Diabetes Food Lies


Low Carb? Keto Diet, Low Gylcemic Index Diet, Carb Benefits and Side Effects, Ezekiel Bread, What About Alcohol … and more … what should I eat????  It can get very confusing and we all have to figure it out for ourselves.  I ate low carb for a long time … and lately, I just can’t seem to do it.  Want to read more, from dLife.com and Vox.com.


And Top Food Tips from JillLawrenceHealth.com, another great interview.  Ruthy Otero from “My One Woman Show” interviewed Jill about the best foods to eat and lifestyle hacks that will help you get in shape to just manhandle your life! Lots of fun tips and tricks!  

  • Snacks that boost creativity
  • Foods that help with memorization
  • Foods to burn calories
  • Meals to manage stress
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