The $250 Biohack That’s Revolutionizing Life With Diabetes
Amazing, closed loop insulin delivery systems MADE THE NEWS, thanks to the AMAZING folks in this incredible DIY community, improving our lives and our T1 control without huge financial outlay and 4 year commitments. My heartfelt thanks to Wes Nordgren, Ben West, John Costik, James Wedding, Pete Schwamb, Dana Lewis and Scott Leibrand, Jason Calabrese and most especially Kate Farnsworth (who helped me with my first Nightscout setup) and Katie Disimone, who astounds me on a daily basis … plus everyone else who has helped me along the way.
From Wes: We always say ‘It Takes a Village,’ and this article is a great example of our village. Bloomberg did their homework on this article, and altho.ugh they can’t cover all the efforts in our community, they did a great job highlighting these wonderful people
Read this fabulous article: The $250 Biohack That’s Revolutionizing Life With Diabetes