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Savvy Updates 2/27/24: Medtrum Nano CGM “Not Great”, Autoimmune Diseases Curable?,, FDA TAP Program Expanded, Interview with Prof. Lutz Heinemann, Final Week Book Give-Away

Savvy Updates 2/27/24: Medtrum Nano CGM “Not Great”, Autoimmune Diseases Curable?,, FDA TAP Program Expanded, Interview with Prof. Lutz Heinemann, Final Week Book Give-Away Medtrum Nano CGM… A tale of two sensors by Tim Street for, 20 February 2024. Recently, Medtrum introduced the Nano, which has to vie for the title of “Smallest CGM currently available”. It has a very small form factor. Its first release, earlier in 2023...

Savvy Update 2/19/24: DiaMyd FDA Fast Track for Immunotherapy, Eversense E3 CGM Gets Expanded Medicare Coverage, Few More FREE Give-a-Way Books, Casting Call for Alerting but Untrained Pets

Savvy Update 2/19/24: DiaMyd FDA Fast Track for Immunotherapy, Eversense E3 CGM Gets Expanded Medicare Coverage, Few More FREE Give-a-Way Books, Casting Call for Alerting but Untrained Pets Immunotherapy to treat people with type 1 diabetes genotype granted fast track designation by Jill Rollet for, 16 February 2024. The FDA granted fast track designation for an immunotherapy to treat type 1 diabetes among people with the human...

Savvy Updates 2/12/24: Insulet Wins CE Mark for O5 & Abbott Libre, Sinocare iCAN i3 CGM, Sync CGMs w/SmartWatch, Salmon’s New Compounds for Heart Health, D & Aging & Muscle Loss, “How Low is Too Low” Video with TCOYD, A Few More Books Left, Benefits/Risks of Pumps & Closed-Loop Systems, Valentine’s Day Carb List

Savvy Updates 2/12/24:  Insulet Wins CE Mark for O5 & Abbott Libre, Sinocare iCAN i3 CGM, Sync CGMs w/SmartWatch, Salmon’s New Compounds for Heart Health, D & Aging & Muscle Loss, “How Low is Too Low” Video with TCOYD, A Few More Books Left, Benefits/Risks of Pumps & Closed-Loop Systems, Valentine’s Day Carb List Insulet wins CE mark for integration of insulin pump with Abbott CGM by Nick Paul Taylor for, 8 February 2024. Since the launch of the Omnipod 5 in 2022, Insulet has worked to integrate the pump with devices from Abbott, Dexcom’s main competitor for...

Savvy Update 2/5/24: Lilly, Novo Trillion $ Stocks, Pancreas Can Regenerate, Indigo CGM/CMM, Non-sugar Sweeteners Alter Gut, Medicare Drug Price Negotiations Begin, Think Like a Pancreas Podcast, FREE GIVEAWAY!!!

Savvy Update 2/5/24:  Lilly, Novo Trillion $ Stocks, Pancreas Can Regenerate, Indigo CGM/CMM, Non-sugar Sweeteners Alter Gut, Medicare Drug Price Negotiations Begin, Think Like a Pancreas Podcast, FREE GIVEAWAY!!! Lilly, Novo could be first trillion-dollar health stocks: world’s largest sovereign wealth fund by Dulan Lokuwithana for, 31 January 2024. Weight loss drugmakers Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk could be the first healthcare stocks to achieve the $1T...

Savvy Updates 1/29/24: Modular Medical Submits to FDA, Insulin Nano Carriers, Know Labs at ATTD, Samsung & Non-Invasive CGM, PBMs HUGE Spending Increase, (video) Microbiome & T1D, T1D & Arthritis, Insulin Pumps & Pregnancy

Savvy Updates 1/29/24: Modular Medical Submits to FDA, Insulin Nano Carriers, Know Labs at ATTD, Samsung & Non-Invasive CGM, PBMs HUGE Spending Increase, (video) Microbiome & T1D, T1D & Arthritis, Insulin Pumps & Pregnancy Modular Medical submits next-gen insulin pump for FDA clearance by Sean Whooley for, 19 January 2024. Modular Medical announced it submitted its next-generation MODD1 insulin pump to the FDA for 510(k) clearance. San Diego-based Modular...

Savvy Updates 1/22/24: embecta Patch Pump Submits to FDA, Apple Redesigns Smart Watch, SiBionics GCM Not Accurate Enough, Dr. Jeremy Pettus/Microdosing w/Glucagon, SERIOUS DKA Advice, CMS Changes Rules on Prior Authorization, Fruit Bats & New T1D Treatments

Savvy Updates 1/22/24: embecta Patch Pump Submits to FDA, Apple Redesigns Smart Watch, SiBionics GCM Not Accurate Enough, Dr. Jeremy Pettus/Microdosing w/Glucagon, SERIOUS DKA Advice, CMS Changes Rules on Prior Authorization, Fruit Bats & New T1D Treatments embecta Announces FDA 510(k) Submission for Insulin Patch Pump announced by Embecta, 9 January 2024. Embecta Corp., a global diabetes care company with a 100-year legacy in insulin delivery, announced that it has submitted a 510(k) premarket filing to the U.S. Food...