Savvy Update 5.14.2017: Fiasp

Savvy Update 5.14.2017: Fiasp

Happy Mothers’ Day to all of you who are moms, aunts, grandmothers, people with moms, pet moms!  Here’s a special Mothers’ Day edition about Fiasp! Novo Nordisk’s Ultra-Fast Rapid-Acting Insulin Fiasp Approved in Europe and Canada,...
SAVVY UPDATES 1/9/2017:  Lots of Tech News

SAVVY UPDATES 1/9/2017: Lots of Tech News

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2017!  This promises to be an exciting diabetes year and we’re starting off with lots of updates!     The Biliary Tree of Life, as described by the researchers at the Diabetes Research Institute (DRI), is a network of stem cells...
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