Nov 9, 2020 Featured, Technology Updates
Abbott FreeStyle Libre Tech Hits Milestone Moment was reviewed by Mike Hoskins for, 3 November 2020. In September, Abbott Diabetes received international approval of its tiny new FreeStyle Libre 3 version outside the United States, putting it on...
Nov 4, 2020 Featured, LOOPing, Technology Updates
This is an AMAZING chat with Dr. Bruce Buckingham on Sunday, 1 November 2020 with FaceBook So Cal Loopers Group. He covers all current closed loop systems (except Tidepool Loop) and discusses future plans. You will learn SO MUCH!!! ENJOY!!!...
Nov 2, 2020 Featured, Technology Updates
More US patients to have easy, free access to doctor’s notes, as reported by Carlo K. Johnson for, 1 November 2020. More U.S. patients will soon have free, electronic access to the notes their doctors write about them under a new federal requirement...
Oct 28, 2020 Featured, LOOPing, Technology Updates
So Cal Loopers was honored to hear from Dr. Roman Hovorka from Cambridge University in the UK about his work with the CamAPS FX closed loop algorithm which runs with the Dana RS pump and Dexcom G6 CGM … what a great program! Dr. Roman Hovorka is Professor of...
Oct 19, 2020 Featured, Research News, Technology Updates
It’s a slow D news week … but remember to Get Your Flu Shot! Similar glycated albumin levels in tears, blood may allow noninvasive glucose testing was reported by Michael Monostra for, 6 October 2020. Aihara and colleagues...
Sep 28, 2020 Featured, Research News, Stories of D Life, Technology Updates
Imaging technique detects residual beta cells in long-term type 1 diabetes was reported by Michael Monostra for, 23 September 2020. The use of noninvasive imaging of GLP-1 receptors could detect residual, nonfunctioning beta cells in...