Nov 27, 2023 A Little Humor, Featured, Research News, Technology Updates, Videos
Already-Available Drug Could Help Treat Type 1 Diabetes by Miriam Tucker for, 20 November 2023. The drug α-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) may help preserve beta-cell function in people with new-onset type 1 diabetes, new preliminary data...
Nov 20, 2023 Diabetes Business, Eating, Featured, Foods, Research News, Technology Updates
Could Liver-Targeted Insulin Be the Future of Type 1 Diabetes Care? by April Hopcroft for, 13 November 2023. Dr. Jeremy Pettus, associate professor of medicine at UC San Diego Health who also has type 1 diabetes, is leading research on insulin that...
Nov 13, 2023 A Little Humor, Diabetes Business, Featured, Foods, Podcasts, Research News, Technology Updates
Diamyd Medical partners with DiaUnion to recruit participants for Type 1 diabetes prevention trial posted on, 7 November 2023. Diamyd Medical has entered into a collaboration agreement with DiaUnion, a center of excellence in type 1 diabetes, to...
Nov 6, 2023 Featured, Podcasts, Research News, Technology Updates
Diabetes Technology in the Spotlight: 10 EASD Highlights was posted by, 21 October 2023. Listed below are the top ten highlights from this year’s EASD Congress from Dr. Inge Boxelaer of Diabetotech, referencing the comprehensive reporting...
Oct 30, 2023 Diabetes Business, Featured, Foods, Research News, Technology Updates
Insulet celebrates Apple season with FDA clearance for Omnipod 5 iPhone app by Andrea Park for, 23 October 2023. Insulet has earned FDA clearance for the iPhone version of an app allowing users to control their Omnipod 5 insulin pumps from their own...
Oct 16, 2023 Advocacy, Diabetes Business, Featured, Research News, Technology Updates
Insulet wins preliminary injunction against EOFlow in patent suit by Susan Kelly for, 9 October 2023. A federal judge has blocked EOFlow, a company that Medtronic plans to acquire, from selling its insulin patch pump. The U.S. District Court for...