May 26, 2020 | Eating, Featured, Foods
My Wednesday blogs are about foods, eating and lifestyle issues. But I’m doing that today, Tuesday, because of this following event, which is purely informational: (NOTE Time: 6:30pm CST = 4:30pm PST) When: Tue May 26, 2020 6:30pm – 8:30pm...
May 20, 2020 | Eating, Featured, Foods, Research News
Stevia extract reduces signs of fatty liver disease was reported by Eleanor Bird, for, 18 May 2020. In the near future, fatty liver disease is projected to become the major reason for liver transplants. A new study in mice has found that...
May 6, 2020 | Eating, Featured, Foods, Recommended Books
OH MY GOODNESS, another very precious book by Amanda King (author and photographer) who has Type 1 diabetes and remembers the overwhelming feeling she had as we was being admitted to the hospital, at age 14.She saw the need for a book that explained Diabetes on the...
Mar 11, 2020 | Eating, Featured, Foods
When a Low Carb Diet Backfires for Type 1 Diabetes was written by Christina Crowder Anderson for, 4 March 2020. Low carbohydrate diets can work really well for type 1 diabetes. A plant-based low fat, high carbohydrate diet can also work really...
Feb 19, 2020 | Eating, Featured, Foods, Technology Updates
Israeli burger chain plans vegan 3D-printed burgers was reviewed by Abigail Klein Laichman for, 8 February 2020. Burgus Burger Bar partners with SavorEat on a system that ‘prints’ plant-based burgers on demand, to be piloted at some of the chain’s...
Feb 12, 2020 | Eating, Featured, Foods
Changing counts reveal inexact science of calorie labels by Candice Choi for, 8 February 2020. Almonds used to have about 170 calories per serving. Then researchers said it was really more like 130. A little later, they said the nuts may have even...