Feb 3, 2021 | Featured, Foods, Videos
This is not my usual topic … but certainly an interesting one that applies to lots of T1Ds. Drs. Steve Edelman and Jeremy Pettus (both endos with T1D) take a fun (but serious, kind of) look at drinking alcohol and living with diabetes. Enjoy and...
Feb 1, 2021 | Eating, Featured, Foods, Research News, Technology Updates
Beyond Insulin: The Future of Dual Hormone Treatment was written by Lala Jackson for BeyondType1.org, 25 January 2021. While insulin is the hormone without which people would die, as it is required to convert food to fuel in the body, there are other...
Jan 18, 2021 | Featured, Foods, Technology Updates
Tokyo Company Unveils World’s First Wearable Glucose Monitor, as reported by Chris Young for InterestingEngineering.com, 11 January 2021. Tokyo-based health IoT startup Quantum Operation Inc. has unveiled the “world’s first non-invasive glucose monitor...
Dec 7, 2020 | Eating, Featured, Foods, Research News, Technology Updates
Glucose Prediction apps were presented at the DiabetesMine virtual conference and are each available in select countries, November 2020, according to Diatribe.org, 30 November 2020. Diabits is a Canadian DIY companion app that aims to predict your glucose levels ahead...
Jun 17, 2020 | Eating, Featured, Foods
This just looks like a cool and different sauce/dip … gonna try this! This Spicy Cashew Sauce Should Go on Everything was written by Arabella Breck for Medium.com/tenderlymag, 26 May 2020. Please let me know if you try it, like it or improvise...
Jun 15, 2020 | Featured, Foods, Research News, Technology Updates
Hypoglycemia Is Reduced With Use of Inhaled Insulin Relative to Insulin Aspart in T1D A study found that participants treated with Afrezza experienced significantly fewer hypoglycemic events than participants treated with insulin aspart. Additionally, this reduction...