Aug 21, 2019 | Eating, Featured
Chaffle Fever Sweeps Across the Globe was reported by Ross Wollen for, 18 August 2019. So what’s a chaffle???? It is a waffle made entirely of cheese and eggs. You sprinkle shredded cheese directly on a hot waffle iron, add some beaten egg,...
Aug 19, 2019 | Featured, Research News, Technology Updates
What’s Coming from Dexcom in 2020? A Low-Cost, Slimmer, Fully Disposable CGM, reported by Brian Levine and Adam Brown for, 8 January 2019 … and this is exciting! Dexcom and Verily are launching the G7, a much thinner, less expensive, fully...
Aug 19, 2019 | A Little Humor, Featured
Casting Call for YOUR PET!!! If you share your life and your home and your diabetes with a furry one, shout it out to the world!!! Every week, we’ll feature a T1s companion … with a little story and some adorable photos. Send me your...
Aug 14, 2019 | A Little Humor, Featured
The Science of Laughter was shared by Erman Misirlisoy, PhD for Medium/Elemental, 6 August 2019. He raises the question: What happens in your brain when you get the giggles? People laugh about five times in every 10 minutes of conversation. They are also...
Aug 9, 2019 | Featured, Pets
In our continuing feature on Friday, please meet Little Mikey, the cat who was adopted from the Orange County Animal Shelter by Cassidy, a super cool T1 (who is studying to be a nurse and who also did the Bike Beyond Bike Across American 2 years ago!!!). ...