Jan 6, 2020 | Featured, Research News, Technology Updates
January is a BIG month! Yes, it’s the beginning of the new year and the new decade. It also contains my birthday plus my diaversary, which is BIG for me! On January 25 (at 5:30pm New York time), I’ll “celebrate” 55 years of...
Dec 17, 2019 | Featured, Recommended Books
Wow, this is a charming, beautiful and heartfelt story about a little duck named Leo who has an illness that no one can see. His mission is to fly around and gather kisses (bisous is French for kisses) from any animal to make himself and others with an illness...
Dec 16, 2019 | Featured, Research News, Technology Updates
FDA OKs Tandem Diabetes Control-IQ! was reported by Mike Hoskins for DiabetesMine.com, 13 December 2019. Control-IQ combines Tandem’s touchscreen insulin pump with the popular Dexcom CGM (continuous glucose monitor) and a smart algorithm that not only...