Nov 22, 2021 | Featured, Research News, Technology Updates
Why Scotland Is Now Testing the C-Peptide Levels of Everyone with Type 1 Diabetes was written by Ross Wollen for, 12 November 2021. Scotland has become the world’s first country to begin routine testing of C-peptide levels in patients...
Nov 17, 2021 | Featured, LOOPing, Stories of D Life, Technology Updates, Videos
Diabetes Youth Foundation hosted their Virtual Adult T1D Retreat on 11/12-14/2021. I was so impressed with the high caliber of the presenters and the presentations chock full of good and useful information. I’m including a few here for your review,...
Nov 15, 2021 | Featured, LOOPing, Research News, Technology Updates
World Diabetes Day (WDD) was created in 1991 by IDF (International Diabetes Federation) and the World Health Organization in response to growing concerns about the escalating health threat posed by diabetes. World Diabetes Day became an official United Nations Day in...