Afrezza: Seems AMAZING!

Afrezza: Seems AMAZING!

I just started to experiment with the newest “insulin”, Afrezza, the inhalable insulin.  I’m not great at keeping accurate logs … but I can say that I see that Afrezza brings my blood sugars down faster than Humalog alone … and then it...
Happy #DBlogCheck Day!!!

Happy #DBlogCheck Day!!!

Today is designated as #dblogcheck day in the Diabetes Online Community. It allows all D-folks to support each other and those who are bloggers.  It was started by Christopher Snider who runs the Just Talking podcast and his own blog, A Consequence of Hypoglycemia. ...
50! Today I “CELEBRATE” 50 years with T1d

50! Today I “CELEBRATE” 50 years with T1d

PART ONE Yes, exactly 50 years!  I was diagnosed on Monday, January 25, 1965 at 5:30pm, in Great Neck, NY, sitting in my doctor’s home office, with my mom.  I remember it as if it were yesterday. He pulled his chair from behind his desk and held my hand and talked to...
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