From InsulinNation: How Patient Are You About Type 1 Diabetes Ignorance?
InsulinNation.com posted a fun quiz to help determine your personality type when faced with Type 1 diabetes ignorance. You will TOTALLY relate to this little survey! Enjoy! Here’s the first question. Follow the link to 4...
Savvy Update 9/30/17: CGM in the News
Senseonics Nabs CE Mark for Extended-Life CGM, according to FierceBiotech, 9/13/2017. The new system has a glucose sensor that lasts up to 180 days, double the life of the system it already markets, which has a sensor that may be used for up to 90 days. In...
Savvy NEWS FLASH: FiAsp Wins FDA Approval!
Novo Nordisk’s new, fast-acting insulin, FiAsp just won FDA approval TODAY, after showing that it can provide benefits for diabetes patients who need better overall glucose control! No details yet on when you will be able to purchase FiAsp in the US but it...
Savvy Skypes The Bonnie Sher Show Again!
That’s right! I’ll be on with Bonnie again tomorrow, Thursday, 9/21/2017 as her T1 Co Host, after Dr. Dan Nadeau, endocrinologist/nutritionist chats with Bonnie on the first half of the show. This is the 3rd anniversary of The Bonnie Sher Show...