Jun 17, 2020 | Eating, Featured, Foods
This just looks like a cool and different sauce/dip … gonna try this! This Spicy Cashew Sauce Should Go on Everything was written by Arabella Breck for Medium.com/tenderlymag, 26 May 2020. Please let me know if you try it, like it or improvise...
May 26, 2020 | Eating, Featured, Foods
My Wednesday blogs are about foods, eating and lifestyle issues. But I’m doing that today, Tuesday, because of this following event, which is purely informational: (NOTE Time: 6:30pm CST = 4:30pm PST) When: Tue May 26, 2020 6:30pm – 8:30pm...
May 20, 2020 | Eating, Featured, Foods, Research News
Stevia extract reduces signs of fatty liver disease was reported by Eleanor Bird, for MedicalNewsToday.com, 18 May 2020. In the near future, fatty liver disease is projected to become the major reason for liver transplants. A new study in mice has found that...
May 6, 2020 | Eating, Featured, Foods, Recommended Books
OH MY GOODNESS, another very precious book by Amanda King (author and photographer) who has Type 1 diabetes and remembers the overwhelming feeling she had as we was being admitted to the hospital, at age 14.She saw the need for a book that explained Diabetes on the...
Apr 1, 2020 | A Little Humor, Eating, Featured
The Truth About Vitamin D, Zinc, and Other Coronavirus Rumors was written by Dana G. Smith for Medium/Elemental, 26 March 2020. She discusses what might work, what probably doesn’t, and what’s flat-out wrong. There’s a lot of misinformation and half-truths...
Mar 18, 2020 | Eating, Featured, Technology Updates
Why it’s so hard not to touch your face was written by Art Markman for FastCompany.com, 16 March 2020. This is certainly TIMELY!!! Over the past couple of weeks as the coronavirus has spread around the world, you’ve likely heard public health officials...