Savvy Updates, 7/25/22:  GSK-126 Restores Beta Cells, SpaceX Grows Stem Cells, Trigger Finger/Carpal Tunnel Gene Variant, UnitedHealthcare $0 Insulin CoPay Only Will Affect Few, POGO BG Meter UPDATE

Savvy Updates, 7/25/22: GSK-126 Restores Beta Cells, SpaceX Grows Stem Cells, Trigger Finger/Carpal Tunnel Gene Variant, UnitedHealthcare $0 Insulin CoPay Only Will Affect Few, POGO BG Meter UPDATE

Experimental drug may help restore insulin-producing cells was written by Clarissa Brincat for, 22 July 2022. In a recent study, the human epigenetics team at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, found that the investigational drug GSK-126...
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