I have Type 1 diabetes. I love to write. I’m happy when I am helping others. I speak up when it’s important. I have a passion for sharing knowledge and learning new technology. I was BORN to BLOG!
I’ve met so many other T1Ds on this journey who are cool and love to help others. We put our heads and hearts together … to bring more resources and knowledge to our amazing diabetes community. We’re making improvements every day … come back often, let us know what you think. And my gratitude for my amazing webmaster, Dave (an honorary T1D)!
And thank you for stopping by!
— Joanne Laufer Milo, The Savvy Diabetic

Bigfoot Biomedical Snaps Up Asante’s Snap Pump Technology
This is the best Snap news I've had in the past two weeks, since Asante Solutions closed their doors. While this doesn't solve our short-term problem of choosing a new (and less technologically capable) insulin pump, it does my heart good to know that all the hard...

Hot News Flash: Dr. Ed Damiano’s Artificial Pancreas Next Step
This was posted by MedPage and AACE last week ... some exciting news from Dr. Ed Damiano. He's working on a proposal for a year-long study (with 480 participants, 160 of whom will be belong to a control of usual care) to compare outcomes of HbA1c and mean CGM...
Research News: Reversing Inflammation Could Cure Diabetes?
Wow, this is some very exciting news. Scientists have successfully reversed type 1 diabetes in mice by using adult stem cells and cell surface molecular engineering to reduce the destruction of insulin-producing islet cells. Wow! This article is somewhat technical,...

D Blog Week: WILDCARD – I am The Technology Grim Reaper
After 39 years as a T1 (oooops, started as a patient with diabetes mellitus, then a diabetic, then a juvenile diabetic, then a Type 1 diabetic, then a PWD, then a Type None PWD), in 2004, I finally decided that I was ready to try the insulin pump. For me, it...

D Blog Week: Change! Putting Your Money Where Your Insulin Is?
Do you invest in companies that make/sell diabetes-related products or provide diabetes-related services? Yes, yes, I know. Of course, you spend your dollars on insulin, pumps, supplies, medications! You pay for medical insurance premiums and copays! You take many...

Diabetologia: Serious life events in childhood can triple risk of T1 diabetes
I always wondered why I developed T1 diabetes. NO ONE in my entire family had diabetes. Why was I the lucky (unlucky) one? Where did it come from? My theory was that it developed at age 11 after a major trauma in my life at age 10. My dad had been severely sick...

DiabetesMine Test Kitchen Video: What is NIGHTSCOUT?
My first video - a review of Nightscout. Please let us know what you think! https://youtu.be/PARHVCJAGFw

VIDEO: What is NIGHTSCOUT and How To Set It Up
NIGHTSCOUT is an open source, do it yourself project (you do all the setup yourself) that lets you access real-time data from your Dexcom G4 CGM on web browsers by smartphones, computers, tablets and the Pebble smartwatch. OK, so what does that really mean, in plain...
DiabetesMine: GREAT interview with Dexcom Leaders
Mike Hoskins shared his interview with Terry Gregg (Chairman) and Kevin Sayer (CEO) of Dexcom on March 5, 2015. Here's the link to read the whole wonderful and enlightening article:...

Are You Ready for Engineered Insulin?
According to engineers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology are working on a new type of engineered insulin that can circulate in the bloodstream for at least 10 hours, which responds quickly to changes in blood sugar levels. Patients might not need to monitor...