I have Type 1 diabetes. I love to write. I’m happy when I am helping others. I speak up when it’s important. I have a passion for sharing knowledge and learning new technology. I was BORN to BLOG!
I’ve met so many other T1Ds on this journey who are cool and love to help others. We put our heads and hearts together … to bring more resources and knowledge to our amazing diabetes community. We’re making improvements every day … come back often, let us know what you think. And my gratitude for my amazing webmaster, Dave (an honorary T1D)!
And thank you for stopping by!
— Joanne Laufer Milo, The Savvy Diabetic

Savvy Updates, 4/15/24: Lilly’s Humalog Shortage & More, T1D Diabetes Moonshot, The Ozempic Jingle
Lilly's Carelessness in Discontinuing 3 mL vials of Humalog Causes Shortages in 10 mL vials of Humalog + Unbranded Lispro by Scott Strumello for blog.sstrumello.com, 9 April 2024. In mid-March 2024, the JDRF shared news about how Eli Lilly & Company, Inc. was...

Savvy Updates, 4/8/24: Implantable BioArtificial Pancreas, Biolinq NI CGM, Adult-Onset T1D Data, Pig Kidney Transplant Patient Goes Home, Sea Blackthorn Antioxidant, Best Grains for T1D, T1D Rights in the Workplace, Riva Greenberg Flourishing, Mini Dosing with Glucagon/TCOYD
The next-gen implantable bioartificial pancreas by Bernard Banga for Medical-Technology.nridigital.com, 22 September 2023. A team from MIT, in collaboration with researchers from Boston Children’s Hospital, has developed a novel implantable device. The...

Savvy Updates 4/1/24: Pig Kidney Transplanted into Human, Mini Dose with Glucagon, Sleep Apnea & T1D, 15% Medical Claims Denied,AMA Urged by Congress, Why Melted Cheese Tastes GOOD
Surgeons Transplant Pig Kidney Into a Patient, a Medical Milestone by Roni Caryn Rabin for NYTImes.com, 21 March 2024. Surgeons in Boston have transplanted a kidney from a genetically engineered pig into an ailing 62-year-old man, the first procedure of its kind. If...

Savvy Updates, 3/25/24: Humalog Shortage, Glucose Levels Affect Cognition, Once-Weekly Basal Insulin, Time in Tight Range, Cow’s Milk Containing Human Insulin, Time-Restricted Eating & CV Risk, Exercise “Pill”, Metformin & Anti-Hunger Molecule, Clean Your Water Bottle, “Ozempic” Babies
Eli Lilly warns of temporary short supply of two insulin products by Meg Tirrell for CNN.com/health, 22 March 2024. Drugmaker Eli Lilly warned that two of its formulations of insulin would be temporarily out of stock through the beginning of April, citing a “brief...

Savvy Updates, 3/20/24: Tidepool – Sequel Twiist AID System and More from ATTD 2024
FDA Clears Twiist Automated Insulin Delivery System by April Hopcraft for diaTribe.org, 18 March 2024. In the latest victory for type 1 diabetes management, the FDA cleared the Twiist AID system, the first automated insulin pump to precisely measure each dose of...

Savvy Updates 3/18/24: News from ATTD 2024, Big Pharma Fights Drug Price Negotiations, More on Healthcare Cyber Attacks, Eye Drops for Diabetic Macular Edema
UPDATES from ATTD (Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes) 2024, held in Florence, Italy, 6-9 March 2024. The world's largest congress dedicated to diabetes technology, which concluded last week with over 5000 attendees both in-person in Florence and...

Savvy Updates 3/11/24: Sensulin Smart Insulin, Roche CGM, PBMs Not Compliant, Minutia Cell-based Nanosensors, Change Healthcare Hacked, Patient-centered Diabetes Care,
Sensulin’s Biotech Dream Team Is Bringing the Lowest-Cost Smart Insulin to Market by StartUp Health for HealthTransformer.co, 7 March 2024. Sensulin’s idea to create a “smart insulin” (glucose-responsive insulin or “GRI”) is not new. Three of the company’s co-founders...

Savvy Updates 3/4/24: KnowU NI CGM, Vicentra’s Kaleido (tiny) Insulin Pump, MicroGlucagon, Abbott/Dexcom CGM Patents Battle, Tandem, Insulet, Medtronic Tubeless Pumps, BEWARE Facebook Scam, Life for a Child
Know Labs unveils non-invasive glucose monitor KnowU for GlobalData.com, February 2024. (Check back soon for a review of many of the more likely non-invasive CGMS in development!) Know Labs has announced the launch of KnowU, its latest wearable non-invasive...

Savvy Updates 2/27/24: Medtrum Nano CGM “Not Great”, Autoimmune Diseases Curable?, Sensotrend.com, FDA TAP Program Expanded, Interview with Prof. Lutz Heinemann, Final Week Book Give-Away
Medtrum Nano CGM… A tale of two sensors by Tim Street for Diabettech.com, 20 February 2024. Recently, Medtrum introduced the Nano, which has to vie for the title of “Smallest CGM currently available”. It has a very small form factor. Its first release, earlier in 2023...

Savvy Update 2/19/24: DiaMyd FDA Fast Track for Immunotherapy, Eversense E3 CGM Gets Expanded Medicare Coverage, Few More FREE Give-a-Way Books, Casting Call for Alerting but Untrained Pets
Immunotherapy to treat people with type 1 diabetes genotype granted fast track designation by Jill Rollet for Healio.com/endocrinology, 16 February 2024. The FDA granted fast track designation for an immunotherapy to treat type 1 diabetes among people with the human...