I have Type 1 diabetes. I love to write. I’m happy when I am helping others. I speak up when it’s important. I have a passion for sharing knowledge and learning new technology. I was BORN to BLOG!
I’ve met so many other T1Ds on this journey who are cool and love to help others. We put our heads and hearts together … to bring more resources and knowledge to our amazing diabetes community. We’re making improvements every day … come back often, let us know what you think. And my gratitude for my amazing webmaster, Dave (an honorary T1D)!
And thank you for stopping by!
— Joanne Laufer Milo, The Savvy Diabetic
Savvy Sleep: It’s Vital!
After having a recent sleep study in which I was diagnosed as having sleep apnea (I stop breathing and my brain oxygen drops) and RSL (kicking many times/hour), I decided to ask a bit about sleep and Type 1 diabetes. When I ask T1 friends if they are tired, they...
Savvy Updates 3/11/19: FDA Shake Up, Senseonics New CMO, Lilly and Cannabis, Gut Microbes
FDA chief Scott Gottlieb steps down, leaving pet projects behind, (by Eric Sagonowsky on FiercePharma.com, 5 March 2019) is the big shake-up that will iimpact our T1 community. Gottlieb was biopharma-friendly—to the point where the Nasdaq biotech index plummeted...
Savvy Living, 3/8/19: Meditation and Becoming Buddha, Dalai Lama’s Antidote to Destructive Emotions
Becoming Buddha, The One Most Remarkable Trait Of Long-Term Meditators’ Brain, was written by Laura Vismara for Medium | Change Your Mind, Change Your Life, 5 February 2019. Experienced and high-level meditators share some common traits. They are generally more...
Savvy Eating, 3/6/19: A.I. Diet, Fat and Memory, Junk Food and Bears
The A.I. Diet ,,,Forget government-issued food pyramids. Let an algorithm tell you how to eat ... according to Dr. Eric Topol (cardiologist) for the Opinion Section of The New York Times, 2 March 2019. Despite decades of diet fads and government-issued food...
Savvy Update 3/4/19: Alertgy CGM, History of CGM, Stop Calling Physicians as ‘Dr.’
Alertgy’s Non-Invasive CGM Wristband was reported by Martin Hensel on InsulinNation.com, February 2019. The Alertgy GM is a band that you wear around your wrist that works with an app on your smartphone to measure your blood sugar. The Alertgy wristband acts as...
Savvy Living, 3/1/19: CBD/Marijuana and Type 1 diabetes
I've been wanting to look at this for a while ... and I've tried to find a local medical doctor and a medical group willing to host a discussion about CBD oil and Type 1 diabetes. But most places I checked would not go on the record to host or even discuss this...
Savvy Eating 2/27/2019: NUTS,
Nuts Linked With Lower CV Risk in Diabetes, as reported by Jeff Minerd of MedPageToday.com, 22 February 2019, based on a study at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and published in Circulation Research. Eating more nuts -- especially tree nuts such as...
Savvy News 2/25/19: Lawsuit against Insulin Makers, Tandem X2
It's about time! Lawsuit Against Insulin Companies Can Move Forward…..Tick Tick Tick was posted by Tom Karlya, DiabetesDad.org on 15 February 2019. Below is the press release from Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP. They are a consumer-rights class-action law...
Savvy Friday 2/22/19: SLEEP and Houseplants and Meditation
The Real Problem with America’s Sleep Problem ... yes, for us T1s, we KNOW the importance of sleep ... was authored by Robert Roy Britt for Medium|Luminate, 11 January 2019. The saddest day of my life was when I left preschool and naps were no longer...
Savvy Eating 2/20/19: Fiber, Water, Processed Meats (BAD!), Yak Milk, Coffee w/out Coffee Beans
What Your Microbiome Really Needs Is Fiber, Not Kombucha according to Katherine Harmon Courage, a science writer, for Health/Medium, 4 February 2019. In recent years, we’ve begun to learn that most everything we eat — from probiotic yogurt to a serving of asparagus to...