Do You Actually Download Your Data?

On the top of my wish list for new technology is the ability to download my pump and cgm data … it has been a “Must Be” on my list.  However, when my husband asked me the last time I downloaded my pump data, I was stumped … it had certainly...
A Reminder about Driving and BG

A Reminder about Driving and BG

Just a quick reminder about being aware of your BG before and while you are driving.  If you have a CGM, check it before you start the car.  If you are on the borderline, consider doing a finger stick to know where you are.  If you think or even feel as if you are low...
My First AADE Conference

My First AADE Conference

I travelled from slightly warmer than usual and slightly more humid than usual southern CA … to WAY HOT and WAY HUMID sunny/stormy Orlando, Florida during the first week in August to attend the AADE (American Association of Diabetes Educators) 2014 Conference.  The...
BEEP BEEP BEEP, a mystery solved!

BEEP BEEP BEEP, a mystery solved!

BEEP BEEP BEEP … BEEP BEEP BEEP I hear it … my husband hears it … my dogs hear it. I reach for my left pocket where I keep my insulin pump … pull it out and check it.  Nope, not the pump. I reach into my right pocket where I keep my CGM … pull it out and check...
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