Oct 1, 2021 | Eating, Featured, Research News
Let’s go off-topic in science and the animal kingdom. Some interesting research makes you wonder how this might apply to products or behavior changes in the management of our Type 1 diabetes. Time to stretch our minds and put on our thinking caps...
Sep 29, 2021 | Featured, LOOPing, Videos
Loop and Learn hosted a wonderful presentation on T1D, Looping, and pediatric patients with Dr. Laura Nally, pediatric endocrinologist at Yale University School of Medicine, T1D and Looper. She shared so much information about managing kids with T1D, even beyond...
Sep 27, 2021 | Featured, Research News, Technology Updates, Videos
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) Without High Blood Sugar? Yikes! was written by Moira McCarthy for DiabetesMine.com, 11 August 2021. If you live with diabetes, it was probably drummed into you that dangerous diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a direct result...
Sep 24, 2021 | Featured, Pets, Research News, Technology Updates, Videos
I’ve been reading a lot about very cool and new technology throughout the fields of science and engineering and even the social sciences. I’ve been wondering when we will see some of these technologies pop up in our diabetes world. Who...
Sep 22, 2021 | Eating, Featured
A Dose of Dr. E (Edelman): The Best of Low Calorie Drinks … some great ideas! Dr. Edelman doesn’t have many rules about food choices and diabetes, but regular soda is at the top of his “forbidden foods” list. Here he shares 10 flavorful drink options...