Savvy about T1D and Hangovers

Savvy about T1D and Hangovers

Happy Holidays to everyone! Aside from gatherings, lots of food, unusual consumption of carbs and sweets, less exercise and travel, alcohol consumption may or often does go up! The Savvy Diabetic wants to share this useful article all about too much drinking and...
Savvy Update, 12/13/21:  Tandem Getting Bigger, 1 in 10 Adults Have Diabetes Worldwide, Stem Cell Research, Cone Snail Venom, Kidney Disease, Diabetes & Complications, Embecta (BD)

Savvy Update, 12/13/21: Tandem Getting Bigger, 1 in 10 Adults Have Diabetes Worldwide, Stem Cell Research, Cone Snail Venom, Kidney Disease, Diabetes & Complications, Embecta (BD)

Tandem Diabetes Care targets 1M customers by 2027 we reported by Ricky Zipp for MedTechDive.come, 7 December 2021.   Tandem Diabetes Care projects that its worldwide customer base will triple to 1 million by 2027 as the insulin pump maker launches multiple...
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