A Reminder about Driving and BG
Just a quick reminder about being aware of your BG before and while you are driving. If you have a CGM, check it before you start the car. If you are on the borderline, consider doing a finger stick to know where you are. If you think or even feel as if you are low...
So Much Tech News!!! VERY EXCITING!
So Much Tech News Seems like every day, there is something new in the news or in the diabetes blogs about a new technology, new products, new research. Some of the most up-to-date blogs are: DiabetesMine, TuDiabetes, DiaTribe, ASweetLife and dLife. This post will...
My First AADE Conference
I travelled from slightly warmer than usual and slightly more humid than usual southern CA … to WAY HOT and WAY HUMID sunny/stormy Orlando, Florida during the first week in August to attend the AADE (American Association of Diabetes Educators) 2014 Conference. The...