Mar 20, 2015 | Featured, Research News
OK, I have no way of know if this is real but it is interesting. From EXPRESS, Home of the Daily and Sunday Express Published 3/9/2015 Plant with similar effects to cocaine and LSD could be key to diabetes cure, claim experts (Also appears on
Feb 21, 2015 | Technology Updates
1/23/15 , AB/AJW Dexcom announced FDA approval of the new G4 Platinum Share CGM receiver. The new device will be identical to the previous receiver, except that it will include built-in Bluetooth to enable wireless communication with the Dexcom Share app on a nearby...
Feb 5, 2015 | Research News
By Lizzie Parry for MailOnline Published: 05:34 EST, 3 February 2015 Both types of diabetes could be CURED by a daily probiotic pill that ‘rewires’ the body, scientists claim Researchers at Cornell University discovered a probiotic, commonly found in the...