Amazing Response to My Blog on Getting Organized

Amazing Response to My Blog on Getting Organized

Thank you, Barb, for sharing your story.  It so touched me at so many levels.  Your journey amidst your old diabetes log books did not “spark joy” for me either.  Indeed, it sparked a sense of sadness for all your very hard work, for the memory of logging...
2015 Shooting Stars Walk to Cure Diabetes a HUGE SUCCESS!

2015 Shooting Stars Walk to Cure Diabetes a HUGE SUCCESS!

This post is coming a little bit late but I guess we are all still basking in the wonderful-ness of the 2015 Shooting Stars 20th Anniversary Walk to Cure Diabetes, on Sunday, October 25, 2015. We broke all records: 142 walkers and 10 dogs (or 284 feet and 40 paws) on...
What’s Going on with the Artificial Pancreas?

What’s Going on with the Artificial Pancreas?

A true artificial pancreas (AP) is a closed-loop insulin pump and continuous glucose monitoring system. And the buzz is that “we are very close!” Here’s a great update by Melissa Lee, blogger of on the race toward an AP.  She discusses the major pump...
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