Updates in the D World: Tattoos, Bio-Ink and Patches

Updates in the D World: Tattoos, Bio-Ink and Patches

Over the past several weeks, it seems that announcements are coming almost every day.  Here’s a short list of what’s new. I’d love to know what you think!  Are you excited?  Skeptical? Confused? From Dr. Joseph Wang’s UC San Diego’s Department of Nanoengineering comes...
Be Prepared: Your Diabetes Preparedness Kit

Be Prepared: Your Diabetes Preparedness Kit

No matter where you live, emergencies can happen, where you have to grab stuff and leave your house.  OR you might just be getting ready for a routine vacation and trying to remember all that you need to carry with you.  Here’s a great little list, excerpted...
Hey Snappers, Here Comes Bigfoot!

Hey Snappers, Here Comes Bigfoot!

You may not be able to continue to use the Asante Snap pump … but it’s NOT GONE!  Its amazing reincarnation occurred when Bigfoot Biomedical bought all the intellectual and physical assents of Asante Solutions … and it plans to quickly bring to...
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