I’ve know Judi for many many years, from the diabetes online community. She’s been living with T1 for 59 years!!! AND she’s the mom of the illustrious journalist and T1, Mike Hoskins of DiabetesMine. So Judi, at the tender age of 63 starting looping. ...
I’m onto my 10th day of running the RileyLink closed loop system. And I’m learning by leaps and bounds, and still adjusting settings. The resources available to me are astounding and so very kind and responsive. So … here are some...
LOOPing is the latest and coolest new buzzword in the diabetes community. It is often synonymous with artificial pancreas but I resist the urge to confuse the two. Looping, either in the do-it-yourself d-community or waiting for the traditional corporate new...
Please indulge me in a little rant, in what I am calling, Savvy? NO! This one is about prior authorizations that are increasingly required by our insurance companies before they agree to fill prescriptions or authorize payment for procedures. Here is Wikipedia’s...
This is an amazing story I stumbled upon from diabetes.co.uk, adapted from dLife.com and diabeteshealth.com. Eva Saxl was 19 in 1940, living with her husband, Victor, in Shanghai after fleeing Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia. She developed T1 and was put on insulin....