Meet Cassidy Robinson, T1 and Biking Across the US!

Meet Cassidy Robinson, T1 and Biking Across the US!

Excerpt from my interview with Cassidy Robinson, published on DiabetesMine, 14 April 2017 I met Cassidy Robinson years ago at a JDRF Type One Summit on a beautiful Sunday morning in Orange County, CA. It was a morning filled with inspirational speakers and...
Savvy Apps Update 5/11/2017

Savvy Apps Update 5/11/2017

The hot buzz these days is all about health apps.  Some track exercise. Some act as insulin bolus calculators. Others are log books and reminder alarms … and more.  Here’s just an update on the app market.   Fitness Trackers … Are They...
CGM & Liberty Medical: Good News and VERY Bad News

CGM & Liberty Medical: Good News and VERY Bad News

First the good news!  I GOT MY ORDER!!!  Indeed, ONE transmitter, ONE receiver (black as apparently once you are on Medicare, you go colorblind), 3 boxes of sensors!  It’s so beautiful I am leaving it in the box for a few more days, just to marvel...
What Would YOU do?  Your Feedback is NEEDED!

What Would YOU do? Your Feedback is NEEDED!

OK, customer service is part of life, of business, of healthcare, of just about everything.  While some organizations make it a priority to deliver the best customer service experiences possible, others not so much.  Then there is the occasional clinker...
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