Savvy about EGGS
As reported in the Gabe Mirkin eZine, 26 November, 2017, researchers from Denmark performed a detailed survey of studies published between 2005 and 2015 on the associations between egg consumption, cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes (European Journal of...
Stories of DLife: Priscilla Faubel, From Denial to Acceptance
If you live with Type 1 diabetes, you have your Story of DLife! If you’d live to share your life story, thoughts, feelings, triumphs and challenges, skill sets and tricks/tips, wisdom or search for wisdom, even humor and/or laughter, we are all ears (and...
From ASweetLife.org: 10 Reasons Having T1d “Totally Sucks”
There are way more than 10 reasons! But these are darn good. After almost 53 years of living with Type 1 diabetes, I’ve been feeling a little bit cranky that there is still no cure for this devastating disease. Don’t get me wrong...