Savvy at Children with Diabetes Anaheim 2018!
What a remarkable event! This marks the 3rd Children with Diabetes event I have attended and I am continually amazed at the quality of the programs, the friendliness of everyone involved, the meals that specify carb counts and portions, as well as gluten-free...
Voice Your Opinion! VOTE for Innovative Technologies!!!
VOTE for your FAVORITE or MOST EXCITING INNOVATIONS!!! Finalists Announced for 2018 Diabetes Innovation Challenge Winners of $250,000 in Cash and In-Kind Prizes to be Announced at Live Event in Boston May 21, 2018. BOSTON, April 24, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE)...
Savvy on Milton Packer: Curing Patients is Bad for Business! and Eye Contact?
Gotta love this guy! Dr. Milton Packer writes a column on MedPageToday … and he is just a cool clinical investigator and outspoken honest voice about health care issues. He is an internationally recognized clinical investigator who has made many...