All about Clinical Trials and Drug Development
Thanks to Nancy Ryerson of Antidote.me and TrialReach.com, here’s a great primer on the drug development process and how clinical trials work. How Does the Drug Development Process Work? Have you ever thought about participating in a clinical trial?...D-Parody of Justin Timberlake’s “Can’t Stop the Feeling”
THIS IS FANTASTIC! BIG SHOUT-OUTS to Melissa Lee of Sweetly Voiced and Bigfoot Biomedical … oh what fun! A great way to start the week! AND if you are a GNO-er, you may recognize Sharon, Shankara and myself dancing along! ...
Savvy Eating: In Defense of Food (Eater’s Manifesto), Avocado Study
I LOVE this guy! And I LOVE this video! We watched this on Netflix … but you can also see it on PBS SoCal by becoming a member. “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” With that seven-word maxim, US-based journalist Michael Pollan...