About the T1D Preparedness Team
Say hello to our Team!
Joanne Milo
I’m Joanne and I’ve had Type 1 diabetes since January 25, 1965 at 5:35pm EST. It’s been quite a journey.
In the last 10 years, I’ve been hospitalized several times, none related to diabetes. But being in a hospital was quite an eye opener. Those experiences have become my passion to help all of us be prepared and safe, during any crisis, that can happen at a moment’s notice.
I have a very proactive husband, Richard, and 2 very adorable pups (Hey Buddy and Bon Bon). Since 1996, Joanne and her team have raised over $250,000 for diabetes research towards finding THE CURE.
Glenn Weber
Bio coming soon.
Cassidy Robinson
Cassidy is your weird sister and favorite auntie. She’s been living with, fighting against, and rising above type 1 diabetes since she was two years old. She’s a thinker, a tinkerer and an embracer of wild ideas. She spent the summer of 2017 pedaling a bicycle from New York City to San Francisco as a member of team Bike Beyond; The documentary that followed the trip shows off her ability to cry at everything and bust out sweet dance moves. She never stops asking ‘why?’ and ‘why not?’.
Sara Goya
Sara has had type 1 diabetes for 29 years. She started pumping in 1999 and thanks her husband for the initial push to seek out every tool available to help manage this disease. Sara began using the OpenAPS system in June of 2012 and lowered her A1C by over 1% in the first 3 months! Better control and less time focusing on the disease was amazing and she has happily embraced technology ever since! March 2018 she moved to the Loop system and has been happy with the added convenience of this system. Diabetes care, is nothing like it was, and there are so many options for us these days. Many thanks to the countless volunteers who have pushed for better care and options than was provided on the diabetes market. Sara loves learning new things, is constantly working on various projects and has many (many) hobbies! She also is the proud mom of three crazy boys (11, 8 and 4) and is a professional musician.
Saira Gallo
Bio coming soon.
Kenny Fox
Kenny’s second child of four, Tessa, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in January 2018 at the age of 5. Kenny uses his passion for making technology accessible and useful for others to understand and manage diabetes. Kenny’s daughter has used Loop since July 2019 and switches to MDI occasionally. Visit Tessa’s page on Instagram.